Friday 1 April 2011

09: Iron Fist

Punch/Kick (X) . Shoot magic blast (B) . Jump (A). His anaimations would be based on martial arts with lots of elegant movements and flips.
Idle animation 1 - Bow and perform martial arts sequence.
Idle animation 2 - Meditate (create purple glow)

Wednesday 30 March 2011

08: Chameleon

Attack/punch (X) . Switch heads (B) . Jump (A). His animations would be quite sneaky, and by swithcing heads he can access special doors and secret areas.
Idle animation 1: Exchange heads, then change back and grin.

07: Silver Sable

Shoot gun (X) . Jump (A). Her animations would be military themed, yet also quite sneaky.
Idle animation 1: Hold gun with two hands and look around suspiciously.

06: Enchantress

Use magic/attack (X) . Mind control/seduce (B) . Jump (A) . Animations would be quick sliky and seductive. She would swivel hips lots when walking.
Idle animation 1: Blow kiss into air.
Idle animation 2: Wave hand creating sparkle.